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Old November 23rd 04, 02:55 AM
michael agner
Posts: n/a

There's also a PCR1000 group on
As an aside we have a few more PCR1000 compatible programs on the
software page on Strong Signals.
73s and GL...Mike

Bruce Robertson wrote:
wrote in message

I'm thinking of purchasing an Icom PCR-1000 and I'd like to reach out
to anyine who has one or has used one. Reviewing the comments I find
on line, it's a 50-50 split; some love it while others hate it.

I live in New Jersey, not far from New York City so I'm in what most
would classify as a very heavily RF congested area.
" Thinking of using it DX'ing the AM Broadcast band, anyone have
any experience in how well it suppresses imtermod from nearby AM
" I do a lot of scanning in the VHF and UHF bands and I'm told
that the front end is similar to Swiss cheese when you connect it to a
good outdoor antenna. Any comments
" On HF I'm seeing comments that it's plagued by lots of RFI
from your PC.
" I'd like to use it to receive the VHF weather sats - anyone
have any suggestions for software that works well with the PCR-1000
for this task?
My access is often limited to USENET, so I'd appreciate if anyone can
offer any suggestions or comments would respond directly via e-mail.

Many thanks!

I have owned a PCR 1000 for about 3 months. My listening is fairly casual
so I can't address your question with depth of insight in which you ask.

I use a discone antenna with a 36 inch whip on top for HF reception.
While I'm not a DXer the PCR 1000 is allot of fun to listen
to the short wave bands with. I believe that this is a much better HF
receiver than given credit. (Note: check out some the Freeware DSP
software for processing audio from difficult signals, This is pretty
cool stuff, I believe the optional DSP hardware is unnecessary)

As for scanning, My listening has been primarily the VHF Marine
band. It does an excellent job at this simple task. The control software
(talkpcr) allows VOX recording of audio to the hardrive and many handy
such as logging of channel activity and band scope.

I would suggest you post your question to the following lists.
