R.S. Pro-83 For Sale
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November 26th 04, 10:07 PM
Ronny Julian
Posts: n/a
You mean they WERE! Sale is a one day and I'm not surprised to see someone
offering one at 70-90 $s!
"Bruce Markowitz" wrote in message
HA HA they are on sale at Radio Shack for $59.00
On 26 Nov 2004 16:47:38 GMT,
(BobAR8) wrote:
Brand New Pro-83 in factory blister pack
this unit is very small and uses only 2 "aa" batteries!
take this scanner anywhere with you.
â?¢ Compactâ?"fits nicely in the hand
â?¢ Easy-to-read backlit screen and keypad
â?¢ Signal Stalker circuitry locks on to nearby signals like a frequency
â?¢ Built-in NOAA receiver keeps you informed of current weather
â?¢ Press Skywarn button to hear in-the-field storm spotters in your area
â?¢ 200-frequency memory
Frequency coverage
â?¢ 25-50MHz VHF-Lo
â?¢ 50-54MHz Ham
â?¢ 108-136.9875MHz Air
â?¢ 137-144MHz VHF Government
â?¢ 144-148MHz 2-meter Ham
â?¢ 148-174MHz VHF-Hi
â?¢ 162.4-162.55MHz WX
â?¢ AM CB
â?¢ 406-450MHz Government/70cm Ham
â?¢ 450-470MHz UHF-Lo
â?¢ 470-512MHz UHF-Hi
â?¢ 806-956MHz (except for cellular)
$85.00 plus $10.00 shipping cont. U.S.
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