Wittingly or unwittingly, this lack of
action assists large-scale spying against the individuals, businesses and
government and private organizations that innocently entrust their
communications to these companies.
ECHELON is a staggeringly comprehensive and highly secret global spying
system. Around the world there are networks of spy stations and spy
satellites which can intercept communications anywhere on the planet.
Over the last 10 years a lot has been heard in New Zealand about the dangers
of 'bureaucratic capture', about senior officials controlling their ministers
rather than the other way around. The area of government activity described
in this book is the ultimate example of bureaucratic capture.
Politicians, whom the public has presumed will be monitoring the intelligence
organizations on their behalf, have been systematically denied the information
required to do that job.
If a democratic society wants to control its secret agencies, it is essential
that the public and politicians have the information and the will to do so.
Good encryption systems, such as PGP, developed privately by American Phil
Zimmerman, are publicly available, although they are still used only by
relatively few people in the know.
The UKUSA agencies have been attempting to curb the spread of this technology,
which is a major threat to their influence, so fa