Thread: Power Factor
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Old May 26th 04, 12:35 PM
David J Windisch
Posts: n/a
Default Power Factor

Hi, all concerned:

*If the analogy holds*:

R-f transmission-line swr reduction by what ever means is, I think, akin to
what the local power company accomplishes by hanging lumps of reactance
across its a-c transmission lines, ie, reducing volt-amps-reactive, in its

Picture an alternator delivering rated current into a reactance:
I-squared-R is, I think, dissipated in the resistance of the alternator

No wonder an anode glows *in some cases* due to "mismatch".

*If the analogy holds*.

So, one fine day, I'll test this hypothesis: I'll fire up a 4-400 (no
ceramic jugs allowed!), on some h-f band, driving it to (metered) d-c input
levels just below its rated dissipation, into a mismatch built like a
battleship in its plate circuit.

(How) Is it possible with metrology (that I can afford, much less obtain use
thereof), for me to know without a reasonable doubt what the proportions of
plate-glow due to little-r-sub-little-p and "reflected power from the
mismatch" are?

Are there other sources of plate glow?

73, Dave, N3HE