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Old December 2nd 04, 10:55 PM
Posts: n/a

stick a pole up it's bum
strap that to the chimney or vertical somewhere
the coax comes out the bottom of the pole.
run it through a window frame eves or WHY
to your scanner.

might be an idea to put a little rubberweld tape around the connector
outside also.


"Unigamer" wrote in message

I'm new to this group, and don't know if this question would be outside
its scope in a way, so bear with me. If I wanted to put a discone
antenna on my house to use with a scanner, how would I mount it? I've
done a little reading on antennas and all, and the discone sounds
interesting, but I wouldn't have a clue on how to put it up. Does anyone
perhaps have a good Web link for that? Or maybe the name of a good book
I could get from the library?

Thank you in advance,

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