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Old May 26th 04, 07:28 PM
Cecil Moore
Posts: n/a

Jim Kelley wrote:

Cecil Moore wrote:
However, two EM waves have to exist before they can cancel.

And that makes rocks like waves?

That makes real waves tangible like real rocks. The wave particles
are just smaller. OTOH, "People who live in glass houses shouldn't
throw stones." is an intangible.

If they exist, they posses both energy and momentum.

Bet ya can't prove it without first transfering it to something.

_Optics_, by Hecht is good enough for me. "It is possible
to compute the resulting (momentum) force via Electromagnetic
Theory, whereupon Newton's Second Law suggests that the *wave
itself carries momentum*. (all emphasis his, not mine) ... As
Maxwell showed, the *radiation pressure* equals the energy density
of the EM wave. ... When the surface under illumination is perfectly
reflecting, the beam that entered with a velocity of +c will emerge
with a velocity of -c. This corresponds to twice the change in
momentum that occurs on absorption, ..."

It's obvious that the energy in the TV ghosting wave makes a round-
trip to the match-point and back to the RCVR. That's obviously a
change in the direction of momentum of the reflected wave. It is
twice the change in momentum than if it encountered a circulator/
load and was dissipated.
73, Cecil

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