Eavesdropping on your child is illegal!
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December 10th 04, 07:27 PM
Bob Ward
Posts: n/a
On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 06:19:49 GMT, Never anonymous Bud
Trying to steal the thunder from Arnold,
on Fri, 10 Dec 2004 00:52:10 -0500 spoke:
Court: Mom's Eavesdropping Violated Law
SEATTLE (AP) - In a victory for rebellious teenagers, the
state Supreme Court ruled Thursday that a mother violated
Washington's privacy law by eavesdropping on her daughter's phone
That's bull****.
It's the MOM'S phone, she can damn well listen to ANYONE talking on it!
Sorry, but the law disagrees. It's not a queston of who owns the
phone, it's a question of who has a reasonable expectation of privacy.
By YOUR logic, the owner of a pay phone could record all your calls
and broadcast them on the store's loudspeaker.
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