New at this:
What modes are these, please ?
fm, NFM, or... ?
wrote in message ...
As of 1 Jan 05, USCG comms will no longer be authorized on 381.8. The US
Coast Guard freq setup will include the following:
Ops Primary: 345.0
Ops Secondary: 237.9
Air-Ground Working, Primnary: 326.15
Air-Ground Working, Secondary: 379.05
AL STERN Satellite Beach FL (28-11N 80-36W) monitoring
Patrick AFB (KCOF) NASA-KSC Shuttle Landing Fac (KX68)
Avon Park Bombing Range (KAGR) Cape Canaveral AFS (KXMR)
JSTARS E-8 Acft Integration Facility, Melbourne IAP (KMLB)
Worldwide Military HF Communications
Life Member: Missile, Space and Range Pioneers.
http://hometown.aol.com/allanstern/m...age/index.html (My Freqs)
http://hometown.aol.com/scanaddict/index.html (My Equipment)