December 29th 04, 01:15 PM
Holy Toledo, Buddy! You must have spent a fortune on all that gear.
Wish I had one percent of that.
"AllanStern" wrote in message
Patrick AFB Area Log - Tuesday 28 Dec 2004
DOS 502: OV-10D #155502, US State Dept Air Wing, Intl Narcotics Mission,
Patrick AFB.
11:30am: Pattern work at Patrick.
Photos: MVC-245, -246, -247, -248.
SLUFF 91: KC-135R, Rickenbacker, OH-ANG 121ARW 145ARS
1:56pm: Inbound MacDill, 6 SOB.
JOSA 243: C-21A #84-0080, Andrews AFB 201AS
1:57pm: Inbound MacDill with Code R-7, DV-3.
EPIC 23: C-130H #93-1457. Charlotte IAP NC-ANG 145AW 156AS
2:08pm: Announced inbound on AirEvac Mission; 15 mon out; wl
offload one patient, 1 attendant; rqsts 5K pounds gas.
4:07pm: Departs MCF.
KING 55: HC-130P #64-14855, Patrick AFB AFSOC 920RQW 39RQS
10:18pm: Inbound, pattern work, full stop.
[133.75, 124.35]
JOLLY 21, 22: HH-60G, Moody AFB
8:45pm: Jolly 21 lands Patrick.
9:13pm: Jolly 22 lands Patrick.
OMAHA 69SK: P-3 Slick #152729, BICE, Jacksonville AMB
8:57pm: Comms with Hammer; departed MacDill, going straight
into Cecil to shoot an hour of approaches.
BOLT 23: KC-135R, MacDill AFB 6AMW
10:53pm: 30 min out.
BOLT 22: KC-135R, MacDill AFB 6AMW
10:57pm: 20 min out.
AL STERN Satellite Beach FL (28-11N 80-36W) monitoring
Patrick AFB (KCOF) NASA-KSC Shuttle Landing Fac (KX68)
Avon Park Bombing Range (KAGR) Cape Canaveral AFS (KXMR)
JSTARS E-8 Acft Integration Facility, Melbourne IAP (KMLB)
Worldwide Military HF Communications
Life Member: Missile, Space and Range Pioneers.
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