On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 14:41:07 +0100, Volker Tonn
Does your newsclient (forte agent) not have a 'cancel posting' option?
Yes, however there's few - if any - news servers anymore that actually
support it. And I knew someone would reply, and of course then the few
people who have a server that does support cancel would wonder why
they're missing an article... And so forth.
The problem (and reason) no servers support cancels is there's no
'authentication'. The only real authentication is the from address. If
I attempt to cancel your article, Forte Agent will say "Sorry, not
your posting" or something. If I then change my e-mail address in
Agent to match yours, boom, cancel request posted.
Mainly useless feature not really supported anywhere.
Yes, you're right with that.
All the best for the new year.
Thanks, same to you.
To reply, remove TheObvious from my e-mail address.