Cyber-Hun schrieb:
Yeah, I'm a little leery of buying a pig in a poke, so to speak. It's
caveat emptor, so I like to give merchandise a once-over BEFORE paying for
it, but, this is a whole different issue. I guess this kind of gear either
works perfectly or not at all, as a rule.
The PCR-1000 is a good value for the money.
It can compete with a Sony 2010 on shortwave and works fine on VHF/UHF.
For sure it can not compete with designatet SW-tabletops. My NRD-525
runs circles around my PCR-1000. I have a fairly good handheld scanner
and the PCR-1000 is remarkably better. Also tracking on weather
satellits is fine with the PCR-1000.
There is already some software available, allowing trunk-tracking with
the PCR-1000. Although this is useless in Germany and most -if not all-
of Europe.