Nick wrote:
Thanks for you reply!...I almost finalized a Yaesu VR-500 before I
realized that the local PDs and FDs ( am based in DFW) should be of
interest too. So now I am on the hunt for a scanner that has both
milair and trunking capalbilities! The only scanner that looks withing
range is the Uniden BC 250D. Any suggestionns/recommendations?
Radio Shack PRO-96. Using Don Starr's superb Win '96 program you can
unlock the mil air coverage of the scanner.
Milepost 11.7 - UPRR Jeff City Sub - N 38°34'53", W 90°22'32", 680'
"We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to
visit violence on those who would do us harm"