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Old January 6th 05, 01:10 AM
Posts: n/a

redrum wrote:
Which is better?

is scantenna really omnidirectional? is it built for a better reception on
the most used frequencies or is really multiband?

who sells the better implementation of discone?

I have three scantennas and they work much much better than any discone
I've yet to own. In the last 5 years I have thrown away 2 discones
(even the Diamond $100+) because they didn't come close to what the
AntennaWarehouse ScanTennas could do.

Most of my listening is 225-400 MHz however have compaired them on many
other freqs as well.

I got my ScanTennas from
(AntennaWarehouse). Free shipping and speedy delivery.

George - Daytona Beach, FL