GeorgeF wrote in
redrum wrote:
Which is better?
is scantenna really omnidirectional? is it built for a better reception
on the most used frequencies or is really multiband?
who sells the better implementation of discone?
I have three scantennas and they work much much better than any discone
I've yet to own. In the last 5 years I have thrown away 2 discones
(even the Diamond $100+) because they didn't come close to what the
AntennaWarehouse ScanTennas could do.
Most of my listening is 225-400 MHz however have compaired them on many
other freqs as well.
I got my ScanTennas from
(AntennaWarehouse). Free shipping and speedy delivery.
George - Daytona Beach, FL
I got one of those and am not overly impressed with it.
My discone consistantly pulls in stronger signals than the scantenna in
just about every range. The only variables are
1) Discone is about 5 ft higher up
2) Discone uses a better feed belden 9913
3) Discone uses an N connecter vs. BNC for scantenna.
Perhaps those three combined are enough to give the discone an edge in an
of itself, but I doubt much of one. Not much UHF mil around my area
unfortunatly, but I can pull in a wx station at an AFB about 40 miles away
with the discone, and the scantenna doesn't.
Just my observations.