Bill Crocker wrote:
Go for it! But rather than try to compete with the big guys, on mass
produced, inexpensive antennas, like Radio Shack sells, build a more
quality product!
For example, the Grove Scanner Beam, is an excellent design,
priced, but not very sturdy, in severe weather extremes.
On the other hand, the Create Log Periodic's, are also an excellent
very study, even in the worst of storms, but way over priced!
Build something similar, but in-between the two, quality, and price
and you will have yourself a winner! I would also offer the option
stainless steel construction, as well as aluminum, for those who
desire it.
As Nick suggested, offer custom designs, especially ones tuned to a
band, or requirement, such as Military Air, GMRS, MURS, Marine,
Stereo, HD TV, etc.
Use Google, search the web for "antenna design", and you will find a
of information, as well as some free software, to help you!
Good luck!
Bill Crocker
Thanks for you postive words. I am by no means an expert, but have been
studying alot about them.
As far as single band goes, what band do you guys use the most? What
would you like to have, something portable? something with very high
gain? I can build high gain yagi's too but they are only good generally
in one direction unless you have a rotor.
I really appreciate your guy's advice. Several other groups including
some of those in the ham group told me it would not work. I started
getting interested in all this by wanting to build my own ham antenna.
wrote in message
I like tinkering in my garage. I have a plan for a small "ground
radial" scanner antenna plan from an old Radio Shack book. I have
thought about changin the plan using aluminum elements.
Any thought of if I could make some "pocket money" selling them on
or something? I am not looking to get rich just get some pocket
enjoying what I do. We have just had our second child and money is
to come by!