"Paul Keenleyside" wrote in
"SouthDakotaRadio" wrote in message
1) By habbin' sum mo dat friiiihd shickun.
2) By goin to da white subuhhbs to shoplif 'an steal da cahhs.
3) By drinkin' anothuh fouh-tee 'an smokin' dat crack cocaine.
4) By axein' muh 19-year old daughttuh why she be habin' six kids and
no idea
who dey fadduhs is.
5) All dem things you jus' said.
Probably wondering (as the rest of us outside of the United States will)
how some Murricans like you can be so idiotic
and so stupid. No wonder the U.S. has racial problems.
You must have quite a few cotton cloth cones for your head made out of
bedsheets. If you do, it's only fitting. I'll bet white
gown fits well too.
Sounds like you have quite a repressed sense of humor.
You on some massive guilt trip or something ?
And why ?
You like basketball? (look at how many are not white). NBA wrote the
book on successful marketing of players.
Personally, I think BB sucks.
Not because of race.
its just that watching grown men trying to throw a ball in a hoop is not my
idea of entertainment.
They call far too many fouls in BB, destroying the pace of the game.
Oprah Winfrey pays more in taxes than you would earn in a salary.
Sherman Helmsey (George) and Isabelle Sanford ("Weezy") had to be the
two funniest people on TV.
Jeffersons were Ok - 'funniest people on TV' .. Now thats stretching it.
It seems blatant racism is Ok with you, as long as its the blacks calling
whites honkeys, and not whites calling blacks ******s.
Correct ?
Did you roll with laughter every time George called whats his name a dumb
honkey, or procliamed for the 500th time how superior blacks were to whites
Louis Armstrong could certainly blow his own horn with class.
Many people bopped and danced to Fats Domino, and other artists who were
black, in the 1950's.
James Earl Jones was the voice of Darth Vader.
Don't forget Jimi Hendrix.
Crack Cocaine is made by whites as it is by blacks (even more so by
whites in some areas of the U.S. than blacks I'll bet).
In many areas cars are stolen by white guys fried out on drugs.
In many areas screwed up white guys try to sell drugs onto kids.
How do you know all this in snowy white BC ?
Cetainly not from experience.
Probably the white guy who plays on the high school football team and is
a D in English scored a hit with the empty helmet blonde cheerleader
after the game underneath the bleachers, long after the black students
who were sitting there had gone to their seperate homes to study forthe
big test next week. Poor dude has to put in extra shifts at the gas
station to earn extra money to pay for expenses for the baby, and pay
for the first month's rent for the mobile home in the trailer park on
the other side of the tracks.
Its obvious that you expended alot of brain cells composing that paragraph,
so I hate to pop your bubble - But you are not on solid ground here.
The percentage of black single parent families far out-weigh whites.
Young black girls are far more likely to get pregnant, and at an earlie
age, than whites - Your imaginary hard studying, ideally reared black
students with seperate homes notwithstanding.
Try to have a basic clue as to what your talking about before spouting off.
Black American children are more likely to live in poverty than are white
children, primarily because black children are far more likely to live in
single-parent families and to be on welfare.
Black and white Americans differ dramatically in marriage patterns and
welfare dependence. In 1999, 68.8 percent of black American children were
born out of wedlock. By contrast, the out-of-wedlock birth rate for white
Americans was 26.7 percent.Similarly, black children were five times more
likely to be dependent on welfare from the Aid to Families with Dependent
Children (AFDC) program4 than white children.
Black children on average spent 49.4 percent of their lives in single-
parent families, compared with 12.8 percent for white children. While black
children on average spent 27.7 percent of their lives receiving AFDC, the
figure was 5.4 percent for white children. Black mothers in the NLSY had
math and verbal skill levels at the 19.7 percentile. By contrast, the
average white mother had skill levels at the 52.5 percentile.
Black mothers in the NLSY sample gave birth to their first child at an
average age of 19.9 years, while white mothers on average had first births
at 23.4 years. Black mothers had, on average, 3.05 children while white
mothers had 2.6 children.