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  #3   Report Post  
Old May 28th 04, 01:44 PM
Posts: n/a

I think you have several options, since a 70 by
130 foot lot isn't all that 'limited'. Trees, 20 to
25 feet tall, make for very nice antenna supports if
they aren't too close together, and if you have or can
have additional supports near the corners of your lot,
you even have room for a 160 meter antenna.
Vertical antennas do work, but the "Whiz - Bang", all
band verticals are more 'whiz' than 'bang', in my limited
experience, and not so limited opinion. A healthy dose
of 'salts' is always indicated with antenna claims!
How things are situated on your property is going to
have more impact on what antenna(s) you can use than any
thing else. If things are not exactly in the wrong places,
almost anything will work...