Yaesu FRG-7 vs. Grundig 800
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July 7th 03, 06:19 PM
Mike Maghakian
Posts: n/a
there is no comparison, the 800 is far far far better than the FRG-7
which is SO SO SO over rated. ( I HAD ONE ONCE, so I do know)
wrote in message ...
A friend of mine likes my Yaesu FRG-7 and is considering buying one..He
was thinking about buying the Grundig 800 and asked me which one was a
better radio..My Yaesu is old but I think of it as a very good receiver
for just random tuning and I have no knowledge about the Grundig 800
other than the fact it is made in China, and some quality control
problems have existed with some past models..So for random Shortwave
tuning should the choice be a old used Yaesu made in Japan, or the
Grundig 800 made in Communist Red China?
West Michigan
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