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Old May 28th 04, 02:21 PM
Larry Gauthier \(K8UT\)
Posts: n/a


Your space is not all that limited -- most hams find themselves in the same
circumstances. I think it really depends on what you want to do.

If you're a DXer and want to work distant stations, multi-band verticals to
work quite well. I use a HyGain AV640 (6 bands from 40 - 6, no traps, no
radials, full power, individual adjustments on all bands) and it does well
with distant stuff but is lousy for local QSOs on 40.

If you are more interested in local stuff, you have enough property for
dipoles or loops from 80 on up... and even 160m with a little creative
design. I use horizontal delta loops on 40m and 30m, and dipoles on 160 an
"Dan" wrote in message
I live is an area that really does not mind antennas however my home
and property are limited. I have about 70 by 130 feet an da coulpe
small trees about 25 feet high. I think my best bet is a vertical. I
also think i woud like one that states no radials required such as the
Diamond 80 to 6 meter CP6 vertical or somethin gsimilar.. Any
suggestions.. what am I missing ? verytical or diploe type or
somethign else.. Thanks for any suggestions