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  #28   Report Post  
Old July 8th 03, 02:02 AM
Posts: n/a

Josumner1964 wrote:

You still haven't explained your criticism of my report of some transmitter
idiot... frickin retard... when you can report as well as I can... raise your

Hey genius let me ask you a question, why have you tuned this in to a flame
war, is it because you have nothing better to do with your time? I dont
killfile too many people but you are going to be one of the very few i am going
to killfile

I am a stranger in
a very strange land

YM josumer
CYM josumner1964

And, you didn't answer my initial question either... retard... go back and read the
posts. And when you can rise up outta yer crib... post a meaningful answer...

Otherwise.. keep playin with yer pitiful portable and yer 10' excuse for an
antenna... After that leave the DX'ing to the rest of us... OK?