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Old July 9th 03, 03:29 AM
Jim Hackett
Posts: n/a

Did you put the R75 in FM mode?

"Robert F Wieland" wrote in message
In article 3f06fe07_2@newsfeed,
Uncle Jizzie wrote:
Why is it that I can enter a popular cordess phone frequency (46.610 FM)
into my R75, yet hear nothing but static? I've done this while at the
same time monitoring this frequency with a hand-held scanner, and the
scanner picks up traffic quite easily. I don't get it!
UJ in AR

What antenna do you have on the R75? I have tried listening, and found
that a many-yards-long random wire is just not the right thing at these
low-VHF frequencies.

See if you can borrow a CB antenna from somewhere, connect that to the
R75's coax antenna connector, and see it that isn't better. Or whip up a
10-foot-long folded dipole, with the feedline length an odd multiple of 5
feet. Try habging this vertically.

R F Wieland Newark, DE 19711-5323 USA 39.68N 75.74W
Icom R75 Heathkit GR-81 Inverted-L in the attic
Reply to wieland at me dot udel dot edu