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Old July 16th 03, 08:16 AM
Dmitry Nefedov
Posts: n/a

Hi Bob,

Thanks for your interest in Radio Explorer software.

It is possible to use Radio Explorer with any MS Windows variant
starting with Windows 95.

I have provided detailed information about this at the System
Requirements page on the Radio Explorer web site, please check
it at

Best Regards,
Dmitry Nefedov
Radio Explorer Developer

"Robert11" wrote in message news:bf13g6

Not clear from their site:

a. Cost, or is it free ?

b. Does it run on W98 ?

"Stephen Newlyn" wrote in message
Radio Explorer is a graphic viewer for shortwave schedules (ILGRadio and
HFCC), displaying data in a tree-like way and on a Gantt chart. These
display modes are unique to Radio Explorer. It is developed in Java and

on multiple platforms.

*To respond direct please delete (qruqrt) from the email address.
**Stephen Newlyn, VK5VKA. G'day from the City of Elizabeth, South

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