I wrote:
I hate to be a dullard, but in so many ways I am. I accept that. And I
realize this is not really s/w related, but I like this group and it's
full of smart radio people. Basically, I would like to know what
"this" is:
I found it by searching on a certain radio station. In any case, the
picture shows what seems to be a tuner, with stations, rather than
freq's listed on the dial.
What intrigues me is that many of these stations are local NYC and
ones I listen to regularly. The write-up makes it seem like this tuner
will be better than a "normal" tuner that covers the whole band. Is
that true?
And many good people replied.
==The--wildly desirable on so many levels--Comrade Brenda Ann, wrote:
==It's a (rather aesthetically pleasing) crystal controlled
=="stationized" FM tuner. In it's day, I'm sure it was quite a bit
==better than it's full band tunable contemporaries, as those tended
==to drift a lot on FM frequencies at the time. Of course, it's only
==a monaural tuner, but there are stereo multiplex adaptors out there
==that you can buy to use with it, but these would not be as good as
==what's in a modern stereo receiver. Basically, if you like it for
==it's curiosity value or for it's aesthetics, it may be worth
==something to you. As for what it will do about receiving FM signals,
==it's probably nowhere close to a modern Kenwood, Marantz, Sansui,
I understand, I think. So I should not dispose of my Onkyo T4055 in
order to 'upgrade' to this thing? Gotcha.
+++The Comrade-whose-clothes-say-what-he-thinks, Frank Dresser, wrote:
+++It would have better frequency stability than other FM tuners of
+++the early 60s. Of course, it also be unable to tune frequencies
+++for which it had no crystal. Modern tuners also have crystal
+++stability, and can receive all the channels in the FM band. So,
+++from that point of view, a modern frequency sythethisized tuner
+++would be better. Also, modern electronics are generally more
+++reliable. So, it's hard to see any advantage for a non-technically
+++oriented FM listener.
A question: does this thing actually have individual crystals for the
different freqs (stations) it shows on its tuning dial? Or it has
circuits each acting like a crystal?
+++There were other crystal controlled FM receivers in the 60s and
+++before. They were used for Muzak and other FM subcarrier
+++broadcasts. They'd run without any attention almost endlessly, a
+++good thing for that market. The people who were buying home FM
+++receivers had little interest in this sort of thing back then.
+++But I do think it's kinda cool. I like vacuum tube electronics and
+++technological dead-ends. I'd enjoy getting this thing working as
+++perfectly as possible. And I'd pay $20.00 bucks for it. Maybe
+++Frank Dresser
Follow it up on Ebay, comrade! $100 didn't get a nibble; next we can
expect $80. Then comes $50 and maybe $25!
***After the seller's description, comrade Starman wrote:
***The Karg 'Tunematic' was an FM tuner intended for use in specific
***areas of the country (large cities), thus the pre-programmed
***stations in the NYC area on the one in question. The advantage was
***greater stability using a tuned crystal circuit for each station
***instead of a VFO (variable frequency oscillator) which tends to
***drift off frequency, unless well designed, which is expensive. I
***don't know how many versions (cities) were available for this
Thank you for the description!
And, to my eternal happiness and pride,
$$$$The Beloved Leader wrote:
$$$$Nothing is too good for the people. That radio is rather flashy,
$$$$compared to my Trabant, perhaps even bordering on the decadent. It
$$$$is, in a hooliganistic sort of way, beguiling.
$$$$Try this site:
$$$$which refers you to
$$$$Rats! Nothing there either. Other than what an earlier poster
$$$$wrote here, I know nothing about them.
$$$$Best wishes.
And best wishes to you, son of the great, immortal, unmatched Il Sung!
And to all who gave my query a reply.
It is slightly less likely that you or your relatives will be
Col. I.P. Yurin
Commissariat of Internal Security
Order of Lenin (1937)
Hero of Socialist Labor (1939)