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Old July 19th 03, 12:42 AM
Posts: n/a

wrote in message
has a summerkamp label....wondering if there is anybody here in this
group that could recommend a
repair person to
go through a unit with the schematics/instruction manual in hand? i have

the schematic.... mine was near a lightning strike and won't play since.

i took it to a local radio shop and they kept it for months.....then
returned it and all it did was play local am stations and not very well
at that.......i'd like to get it back to working condition....would
appreciate knowlegeable in southeastern usa.....


I a gradually getting my electronics shop back together, and if you decide
not to have it fixed you could aways sell the corpse to me. I would love a
chance to ressurect a dead or semi-dead SW radio. Particularly an SR-7.

Just an idea, in case you are interested.

Dave Beane

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