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Old July 19th 03, 03:44 PM
Al Patrick
Posts: n/a

I don't claim to be a fan of Clay Douglas, though he does have some
interesting FACTS to present.

He claims to have read, at one time anyway, at a rate of about 1000
words per minute.

He is a former (?) biker -- still rides -- and is well able to take care
of himself.

He recently, with the help of some friends, bid $3,000,000 or more (the
asking price) for a town, but the "government" decided to spend an extra
million or two OF YOUR TAX DOLLARS to buy it themselves and keep Clay
from getting it.

He runs a very successful business and gets to travel, WITH HIS WIFE,
all over the country in the process of running it.

He publishes a magazine, has published others, and plans to start
another magazine or two.

All the above is just for starters! Let's see now, How many lies did
you tell and innuendoes did you make?

I suspect he exposed some truths you'd rather folks not be aware of!

The last comment goes for Pastor Peter John Peters of LaPorte Church of
Christ, LaPorte, Colorado, who can be heard on shortwave at 12.160 MHz
at 16:00 UTC M-F, at 5.070 MHz at 02:00, 03:00 & 08:00 UTC M-F (actually
Tue. - Sat. UTC times). Oh, he can be heard 24/7 on Telstar 5 /
Star1&2 Right. He can also be reached at where programs can be downloaded. I
suggest before anyone believe the BS that the ADL, JDL, SPLC, all their
wannabes, etc. are saying about him they just go to the web site or tune
him in and see for yourselves what he has to say. The snakes are a
sneaky, slithery bunch whom God condemned to eating the dust of the
earth - from which man was made! It appears they live off Israelite -
true Israelite - humans! Parasites, they are! Who think they can lift
themselves up by putting other people down.



Gray Shockley wrote:

Ah, yes, Clay Douglas.

Sort of a reminder of the KuKluxKlans of the 1950's except that they were,
mostly, heterosexuals.

Is Ole ClayBoy still blaming Jews for Clay Douglas being a failure?

It's pretty much fun listening to him/her/it beg for money on shortwave; he's
right up there with Massa Petey Peters and the late William Cooper (Cooper
was, of course, heterosexual).

Has Miss Douglas ever explained why she uses such filthy language? Does she
do it to turn boys on? Or is it because she uses her atheism to repulse those
who are religious?

S/he/it is certainly an "unusual" creature.

Gray Shockley