Thread: VE9SRB
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Old May 30th 04, 10:02 PM
Walter Maxwell
Posts: n/a

Hi Cecil,

I went to the url k4wge indicated for Steve's work and found that he has a book
on antennas published by Noble Publications going for $207 after a 25% discount.
I would need to know the quality of editorial review it survived before spending
that much on a new book. I'm wondering if the book had ANY technical review
before printing.

I'm also wondering how much of the stuff from his three-part QEX article will
appear in his book. That article is chuck full of erroneous material. I know you
and others on this thread tried to correct some of his incorrect notions to no
avail. And you know that he and I went at it pretty strong, but he wouldn't
listen. He told me early on that my concepts of matching appearing in
Reflections are wrong, and said that using the statements I made there he could
prove me technically incompetent.

In two Communications Quarterly issues he said as much, referring to my writings
in Reflections and in QEX.. During our last email communication he reiterated
his comment concerning incompetence, and said he was going to write a definitive
article concerning matching that would prove it, but that this time he wasn't
going to mention me by name. That 'definitive' article is the three-parter in
QEX.. Well, he didn't mention me by name, but he presented one of my examples,
number for number, and then erroneously tore it to pieces. Anyone having read my
work would recognize that he was targeting me even though not by name.

Enough of that. I've been reading a little mail on the rraa, and I see you're
still hangin' in there. Hope you're well, but I guess you must be, cuz you still
have that characteristic sarcastic (no that's not quite the word for it)
response at the right moment.

Take care,
