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Old July 26th 03, 07:15 PM
Craig \(WB6LZV\)
Posts: n/a

Jean, very common problem with the 6800W. I have four of them, which all
had the same problem. Problem is caused by corrosion on the 0 - 10 - 20 MHz
slide-switch inside the radio. This corrosion causes the PLL circuit to
fail. The only way to get at the switch is to completely disassemble the
radio. If you're lucky, you can simply clean it with a spray electronics
cleaner such as De-Oxit. If it does work, it will only be a temporary fix.

The correct fix is to remove the switch (S6) from the main board. This will
require the removal of several other components just to get at the switch.
Once removed, you'll need to carefully dissasemble the switch and clean the
contacts with very fine emory paper... or something like it. There is no
available replacement for the switch, so be very careful.

You absolutely need a service manual to perform this task and need
technician-level soldering skills. Even with that, plan on the entire
operation taking four to six hours... if you're careful. The service manual
doesn't talk about disassembling the switch itself.... but it can be done.

Good luck!

"jb.pinelli" wrote in message
Hi you all,

I need an advice, as I try to repair my (old) Sony ICF-6800W...(Sony, of
course, refuse to do the job)

a) AM & FM are ok
b) No sound on SW bands... Digital led readout indicate wrong values. Drum

preselector are ok.

If someone got the same problem... any advise welcome!
