Thread: VE9SRB
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Old May 30th 04, 11:45 PM
Cecil Moore
Posts: n/a

Walter Maxwell wrote:
In two Communications Quarterly issues he said as much, referring to my writings
in Reflections and in QEX.. During our last email communication he reiterated
his comment concerning incompetence, and said he was going to write a definitive
article concerning matching that would prove it, but that this time he wasn't
going to mention me by name.

Walt, as you know, I tangled with Steve over the subject of interference which
he claimed didn't exist at a match point. He later changed his mind and told
me in an email that he needed to rewrite part 3 of his article. Maybe he got
it right on his CDs. _Optics_, by Hecht proves Steve's equations in part 3 to
be the actual interference equations from optics with RF Power substituted for
light Irradiance.

IMO, you and Steve were much closer in principles than either one of you

He said in Part 3: "... the two rearward traveling waves at the match point
(rearward waves 1 and 2) are 180 degrees out of phase with respect to each
other and a complete cancellation of both waves occurs."

You said in Reflections II: "With equal magnitudes and opposite phase at the
same point (Point A, the matching point), the sum of the two (rearward-
traveling) waves is zero."

This agrees with J. C. Slater, from _Microwave_Transmissions_, "The
fundamental principle behind the elimination of reflections is then to have
each reflected wave canceled by another wave of equal amplitude and opposite

All three above appear to me to be in agreement so the disagreements are really
about the down-in-the-noise details. Some gurus on this newsgroup disagree with
you, Dr. Best, and J. C. Slater.

Others on this newsgroup have been asking about your opinion of conjugately-
matched transmitters. I have no interest in that particular discussion but you
might point out some references.
73, Cecil

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