Current_gothic ) writes:
they say there supposed to be making a radio. i heard a grundig that
might.. is goning to be digital. seems all radio is changing...
Our goal is to sell the product w/the highest markup/profit potential
and get the gov't to skew the regulations in their favor, so that you
don't have a choice, such as DDS narrow-band FM, which could easily
deliver a better quality signal in the current 5 kHz channel slot,
as proved daily on 6 metres, and earlier by RMI tests on 31 metres.
You will be assimilated into the digital Borg. DXing will be futile.
what about this Broadband over the hydro wires that the fcc in the
USA are talking about. i bet that would be a shocking experiance..
internet over the hydro wires. man we could hook are antennas up to
that LOL..
Since the wires are unshielded, you should be able to pick up and
decode those packets, and find out what websites your neighbors are
visiting, eh? So if they are broadcasting packets, why the hell are
they broadcasting in bands where packet radio isn't licenced?