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Old August 2nd 03, 12:25 PM
Posts: n/a

Robert wrote:

Bang-up signal into the SE US (KY) this morning, 5-5 with minimal
fading - very pleasant listening. 1130-1230 GMT on 9.650 Mhz.

There was one odd thing that happened that maybe somebody here can
explain. After RKI finished up at about 1228 GMT, I heard the bell-notes of
"Oh Canada" and a voice said "Radio Canada International" (RCI, CRI, however
they put it. I forget.... ) Then nothing.
For the entire broadcast, there was never a hint that what I was
listening to was burying another station, let alone a Korean broadcaster
stomping a Canadian station that thoroughly flat, so I don't think it was
the tail end of a 'regular' Canadian broadcast.
Is Canada re-transmitting RKI? The signal strength would make this
easy to believe...

Yes, that broadcast is via Sackville.

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