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Old August 4th 03, 11:39 PM
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Default FAG Kevin Strom GETS THE BIG BOOTH moan faggit moan!!!

Strom Was "Disgusted" By Chester Doles Challenge
Tried To Torpedo Alex Linder At NA St Louis Meeting

7/25/2003 3:26:59 PM
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Kevin Alfred Strom

Commentary -- [LSN: The following email, with headers authenticating it, was
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Tue Jul 8 08:09:23 2003
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Date: Tue, 08 Jul 2003 08:26:35 -0400
From: Kevin Alfred Strom

Organization: I Speak Only for Myself.
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To: Aaron Collins
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Shaun Walker
Subject: Fw: Midwestern Regional Conference
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Dear Aaron [Collins]
: I'll be there, old car and old carcass willing. You may list my speech title
as "Responsibility." I am quite disgusted by the irresponsible and
self-promoting antics of Alex Linder, who has published horrible attacks on the
Alliance and openly associates with people who issue forgeries and attacks
against us, including vicious attacks on myself and innocent family members.
These attacks are far worse than what the ADL does to us, yet these folks are
supposedly our "allies"? I am _not at all happy_that he is being allowed to
address the convention as though he is one of us. I _very much_ regret that I
gave him friendly coverage in _National Vanguard_. He has stabbed us in the
back. He wants to take so much credit for the "Goy Genius" challenge results,
which really was a fairly wealthy NA member's effort, which could -- and should
-- have been volunteered to be done through the Alliance instead of through
VNN. Linder has convinced this member that he is some kind of brilliant "man of
the hour" that the end result -- as Linder does more and more outrageous things
to hurt the Alliance, or try and take it over -- will be that this well-off
member will inevitably take sides with Linder and he and his help will be lost
to us. Please do send me the conference information.

With all good wishes, Kevin.