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Old August 6th 03, 03:00 AM
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Default Radio Canada International : British Columbia Relay Station ... view the computations!

Radio Canada International : British Columbia Relay Station ... view the

-- webpage text --

Radio Canada International : British Columbia Relay Station

Technical Note
The city of Esquimalt, BC was chosen as a transmitter site for purly
software related reasons. The final location for the RCI relay station is
not set in stone [by any means] as there are many factors that will affect
the placement of this relay station.

It is expected that Tofino, Bella Bella, Masset or other coastal BC cities
could be chosen for the relay station (s).

The reasons for other sites to be chose are based on the following varibles:

- geography : all sea path to Asia Pacific & North Asia, a requirement with
respect to reducing transmitter output power requirements

- geology : swampy or near swampy conditions (for high HF reflectivty), near
zero (1 in 750 years) tsunami risk, minimal eartquake / rockfall / land
slippage or any other related geological risks, no tall moutains to
interfere with signal transmission path ...

- electrical : electrisity supply (a 500 kw transmitter needs ~ 1.25
megawatts to run at full power), avoidance of population centres (to comply
with IEEE and EBU recommendations on EM exposure)

- accessability and defensibiliy of transmitter site (s) with respect to
paved roads, useful for staff morale -- nearby urban centres have more

- land easily donatable by BC or Federal gouverment, not subject to any
onging land claims process

A secondary relay station : more than one BC site could be used.

All of these computations assume that an ALLISS transmission system is used.
ALLISS only requires 15 ha per module. One ALLISS module could solve 60 % of
RCI's transmission needs in the Asia Pacific, and Latin American regions.

However, the ALLISS system lacks the directivity of a multi-segmented curtan
array. A 2nd relay station some distance (100 kms) away that would possess:

1 x HRS 12 / 12 / 1 (9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 21 mhz) to North Asia
1 x HRS 12 / 12 / 1 (7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 mhz) to Latin America

Such a relay station would increase directivity and audibiliy in these
regions by 12 db or more, when compared to
HRS 4 / 4 / 1 antenna systems.

-- end --

Images (computations) follow...