David wrote:
Really! As long as Marshall etc. continue to use 500 Volts + on their
guitar amps, HV electrolytics should continue to be available.
And even a simple tube rig is superior to 99% of the solid state rigs
for chasing DX. You cannot duplicate the effective sensitivity and
dynamic range of a tube front end with cheap silicon.
I used a Hallicrafters S40 for years-it was my first SW radio-and
although it was a nice radio to use it tended to break down with
increasing frequency over the years. I didn't have the skills to repair
it so finally I sold it to an elderly ham for $20. I would say that
unless you know how to tinker with tube gear to stay with the solid
state stuff. I use a Yaesu FRG8800 and am satisfied with it for the most