Thread: VE9SRB
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Old June 2nd 04, 03:37 PM
Cecil Moore
Posts: n/a

Walter Maxwell wrote:

Steve at first said the energy in the canceled waves continues to flow toward the
source without a voltage and current and that interference was not involved. He later
changed his mind. All that should be archived on r.r.a.a on Google for the summer
of 2001. Here's an excerpt. Steve said: "The total forward power increases as a direct
result of the vector superposition of forward voltage and current. This DOES NOT
require a corresponding destructive interference process ..." thus contradicting Hecht
in _Optics_ who says any constructive interference process must be accompanied by
an equal magnitude of destructive interference.

Superposition of forward voltage and current?

I'm sure he meant "superposition of forward voltages and superposition of
forward currents."

I don't recall Steve ever mentioning current.

I think you are right re his article. The above quote is from an
r.r.a.a. posting circa Summer 2001.

What Steve apparently doesn't understand is how the
energy direction is reversed when the rearward voltages and currents go to zero.

"How" is not explained in any of the physics references. The closest
physics reference that explains it is _Optics_, by Hecht where he says
something like, at a point some distance from a source, constructive
interference must be balanced by an equal magnitude of destructive interference.
In a matched system, there is "complete destructive interference" toward the
source side of the match point and "complete constructive interference" toward
the load side of the match point. Energy is always displaced from the "complete
destructive interference" event to the "complete constructive interference"
event. (That's what you call a "virtual short" or "virtual open" capable of
re-reflecting the reflected energy.)

In s-parameter terms, b1 is the reflected voltage from port 1 toward the source.
Port 1 is the input to a matched tuner (transmatch). The equation is:

rearward-traveling voltage reflected toward the source b1 = s11(a1) + s12(a2)

For b1 to be zero, i.e. zero reflections toward the source, s11(a1) must be equal
in magnitude and opposite in phase to s12(a2). That is "complete destructive
interference". Since there are only two directions, "complete constructive interference"
must occur in the direction of b2 = s21(a1) + s22(a2) toward the load which is the
opposite direction from b1.

s11 is the port 1 reflection coefficient. a1 is the port 1 incident voltage.
s21 is the port 2 to port 1 transmission coefficient. a2 is the voltage
reflected from the load that is incident upon port 2.

Port1 Port2
a1-- --a2
--b1 b2--

The only dissipative resistance in the amp is that which heats
the plate. That dissipation is the only dissipation in the source--the other
dissipation is only in the load.

Why isn't the source impedance a negative resistance, i.e. a source
of power Vs a positive resistance, a sink of power?
73, Cecil

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