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Old August 15th 03, 03:09 PM
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Check this page out.

"Al Patrick" wrote in message
You should have heard Pastor Peter John Peters' sermon tonight. It will

be archived at if anyone would like to
hear it. Of course it will also be replayed tonight at 04:00 EDT on 5.070

Basically, it deals with the blackout that that occurred in the NE of the

US and in parts of Canada this evening. The first I heard of it went
something like, "We don't know what caused it, but it was not a terrorist
act." This lead me to say immediately, it was probably a terrorist act!
How do they know it was not a terrorist act if they don't know what caused

Well, let's look at a couple of scriptures.

Exodus 23:27 "I will send My terror ahead of you, and throw into

confusion all the people among whom you come, and I will make all your
enemies turn their backs to you. NASB

Leviticus 26:16 I, in turn, will do this to you: I will appoint over you

a sudden terror, consumption and fever that shall waste away the eyes and
cause the soul to pine away; also, you shall sow your seed uselessly, for
your enemies shall eat it up. NASB

Deuteronomy 4:34 "Or has a god tried to go to take for himself a nation

from within another nation by trials, by signs and wonders and by war and by
a mighty hand and by an outstretched arm and by great terrors, as the LORD
your God did for you in Egypt before your eyes? NASB

Deuteronomy 26:8 and the LORD brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand

and an outstretched arm and with great terror and with signs and wonders;

These are only four examples, but a NASB search for terror* produced

seventy-nine hits. Not all apply.

Anyway, someone on the TV and / or radio said it was not a terrorist act,

it was just lighting that hit a power station near Niagara Falls, Canada.

The anti-Christ controlled media want us to fear man, but attempt to

forbid our fearing God. Fear the guy who can pull a trigger or crash a
plane, but don't fear the God of the universe who can create tornados,
hurricanes, earth quakes, volcanic eruptions, galactic collisions, incurable
diseases, and eternal fires! (It tickled me when Kennedy's "eternal flame"
went out just days after it was lit, only to be turned off again later as an
icon of conservation. The Titanic was unsinkable! Remember? There are
other examples, but we'll pass on them for now.)

Yep! If some man cuts a cable, explodes a bomb or shoots a hole in a

transformer it is a terrorist act. If Almighty God casts a six billion volt
of lightning from the sky across a half mile air gap it is not a terrorist
act! It's just a lightning bolt. :-) I LOVE IT!

Read Deuteronomy 28 and see the many blessings that will come it we obey

God and the many curses that will befall us if we forget and disobey God.
There are other places as well, but Deut. 28 will suffice for now!

Go ahead. Fear the car breaking down on a lonely road or in a "bad"

neighborhood. Fear the loss of a job. Fear some "terrorist" bombing a
shopping center or government building. Fear the tooth fairy not bringing
your child his dollar bill. (inflation)

BUT, for goodness sake, Don't fear the terror of an angry God.

Kiddos, you ain't seen nothing yet! God is not going to have to apologize

to Sodom and Gomorrah. Even the "supreme court" will bow it's knees to
Jesus Christ, though it'll probably bow its knees to the world courts first.

Go ahead, America! World! Phony churches! Fill up your cup!

Goood Day!
