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Old August 19th 03, 04:28 AM
Sub-Species 1204
Posts: n/a
Default Terrible Reception in Arkansas (guess what folks?)

There was a solar flare yesterday I believe and
propagation is poor this evening. As for Alex Jones
this evening on 5.085 he sad (as we all knew
he would) that Homeland Security pulled the switch
and caused the 2003 Blackout. The again, what else
are we to expect from this cadmium-plated tuba playing
carnival barker? It's a pity really. Alex Jones should have
been a "prosperity preacher" like Robert Tilton and
he could have been a multi-millionaire by now. Like
Tilton, Jones has the gift of being able to BS with a
straight face, like a good used car dealer. Unfortunatly he's
decided to target the "pay-triot" community with his tapes
and such. He forgot however that the average shortwave
listening militialoon does not have 2 nickels to rub
together and a pot to **** in or window to toss it out
of. Oh well. Pfhblttttt!

"Clete" wrote in message
I came home for my lunch hour and I usually try to catch some Alex Jones'
ranting on 9.320...I've noticed that it was pretty much buried below the
noise I decided to fire up the ol' Halicrafters S40-B and scan
the dials.......It was pretty much dead except for AM stations within 100
miles or so....

I read an article about sunspot activity...Mass Coronal Ejection I think it
was called....not too news worthy I guess......

Just wanted to know if others are basically isolated on the high frequencies
also during the mid day in central North America?
