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Old August 21st 03, 10:46 PM
Geoffrey S. Mendelson
Posts: n/a

Mark Harper wrote:

Hi all!

anyone know where I can locate (online possibly ??) a copy of the R-5000
Service Manual - or more importantly, the parts relating to removing the
VHF board, and battey replacement!

Have been given the task of repairing my grandads 14-year old 5000, which
after years of use, has suddenly started playing up - looks to be the
internal battery - Its fine after a few hours!

Given that its not mine, I'd like to make sure that if theres any
procedures that need to be followed, that they're done in order, etc!

WAIT!! If the clock stops or the radio looses it's memory, the battery
is dead. You have to be careful, as later ones have a rechargable
lithium battery, but mine (circa 1990) does not.

However if the display goes from normal to ......... and if you change
the tuning, pops back to normal for a few seconds and then goes to
,.,,,,, then it's a different problem.

The main PLL was potted in a syntheic rubber. As it aged, the rubber
became hdyroscopic (absorbed water out of the air) and eventualy detunes
and then corrodes the components in the PLL section. It's potted in
a little can. The correct way to repair it is to remove the can,
unsolder all of the components, remove all of the rubber and replace
them, with new ones for any that are damaged by corrosion.

Being in Israel, where there is no one to send it to, and having
no real source of replacement parts, I did it the cheap way.
I unsoldered the lid of the can, and carefully picked out any rubber
I could get with a very small tweezers. I was very carefull, but ended
up with a crushed capacitor, which I was able to replace localy.

Radio works fine, but the VHF converter never worked again.

I have a service manual, but it does not have tune up instructions
for the VHF unit. :-(


Geoffrey S. Mendelson 972-54-608-069
Icq/AIM Uin: 2661079 MSN IM:
(Not for email)
Carp are bottom feeders, koi are too, and not surprisingly are ferrets.