I expect you believe 6,000,000 Jews died in a holocaust, and they were
all that died. Even if there were 6,000,000 Jews killed in the
holocaust Jew communists have killed far more people of other races and
religions than that since then.
"Jew communists"?? The commie mass murderers of real note are Mao,
Stalin, and perhaps Pol Pot. None of these was a Jew, you fool. In
fact, Stalin despised Jews nearly as much as you seem to.
I expect you don't believe that Shindler's List is listed as FICTION!
You probably believe that the U.S.S. Liberty was an "accident" and the
Jews couldn't see the US Flag flying.
I have no idea. But what has that got to do with HITLER, fool? If you
can find an example of some jews doing something awful, you think that
makes it okay to be a fan of Hitler?
Do you deny that the Babylonian Talmud teaches the following three
things -- among MANY MORE equally perverse?:
Sanhedrin 55b. A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically,
three years "and a day" old).
Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is
less than nine years old.
Kethuboth 11b. "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl
it is nothing."
I have no idea -- I don't read Hebrew. But I will point out two
things: 1) the nazis you are so fond of are famous for misrepresenting
the different opinions in the Talmud. There are hundreds of misquotes
and complete forgeries in existence. Since you are so worked up about
what the talmud says, it's your responsibility to make sure that you
have an accurate text, not just a list of quotes from one of your
antisemitic websites.
2) The Bible which you love to quote to us is full of despicable
opinions as well. In fact, I would imagine nearly every millenias-old
text is.
And then some folks get upset when one talks about the Talmudic Toilet
that sits in most living rooms and spurs out puke all day and night.
Up the dose.
Jackie Patru is giving quotes of what Jews have themselves said, as well
as quoting such well known individuals as Winston Churchill.
Somehow I really doubt that half-wit is in command of any
understanding of what the Talmud says. She has a room temperature IQ
the moment she wakes and it gets colder as the day goes by.
The ACLU is basically Jewish and they, the SPLC, ADL, and JDL all stand
for basically the same thing -- the destruction of everything that is
decent, moral, or Godly.
Hey Al, let me give you a clue: your life is difficult not because the
Jews are making it that way; your life is difficult because you're
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to present a few of the many
teachings of the TalMUD!
Could you give me the bibliographical info on the copy you used to
find those quotes? (That means I'd like to know the publisher, year,
translator, etc.)
And could you tell us all just what you actually think of Adolf
Hitler, without deflecting the question with all sorts of bull****
about The Liberty or Israel?
Col. I.P. Yurin
Commissariat of Internal Security
Order of Lenin (1937)
Hero of Socialist Labor (1939)