Interestingly, the DE1102 is on Degen's Chinese (language) site, but
not English (China) site...
The radio controls are in English
As previously mentioned, it is 9/10 kHz MW switchable (you can see
that within the Chinese)... so I wouldn't be surprised if you start
seeing the DE1102 on Ebay, even if the KA1102 is never distributed...
I don't see a mention of adaptor voltage (looking for numbers in the
Size 143*88*28.5mm
"Michael" wrote in message et...
I wonder what the actuality of it is now as far as availability. The rep at
Radios4U advised me via e-mail that the KA1102 may never materialize at all,
and if it does, it won't be for many months. The KA1101 will be on the
shelf some time in September.
I think I'm going to buy the 1101 when it is available. I don't have a good
portable. I also like the idea that it comes with goodies like an AC
adapter, an external antenna and best of all, rechargeable batteries that
recharge right in the radio.
Home Page:
Northern NJ
R75 w/DSP, Kiwa agc/sync & audio mods
G5RV & 200ft longwire w/ICE-180
MFJ-1048 preselector
SoundBlstr Live PC card w/five piece Cambridge
speakers & full software mixer/eq.
"Daniel Rosenzweig" wrote in message
That's a change - three weeks ago they told me 1 month after the
release of the 1101... Also, the 1101 only has 5 kHz SW steps...
"Michael" wrote in message
Their reply was that the 1102 won't be available for several mnths if at
Home Page:
Northern NJ
R75 w/DSP, Kiwa agc/sync & audio mods
G5RV & 200ft longwire w/ICE-180
MFJ-1048 preselector
SoundBlstr Live PC card w/five piece Cambridge
speakers & full software mixer/eq.