On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 22:14:03 -0500, Jim R Feliciano wrote
(in message ):
I listen to KUSF at 90.3 on the FM dial. It is a college station from the
University of San Francisco. It has a weak signal. Here is my problem and
question. I can receive the signal to the station just fine on car radios.
However, I cannot get the signal on portable AM/FM radios. My Sony ICF-SW1
can't pick it up even when I have thirty feet of speaker wire attached to
antenna. I went to Radio Shack and none of their portable radios could pick
the signal. Why can cars receive the signal easily and portable can't?
One reason: auto radios have to be extremely selective and sensitive because
people want to be able to listen to their auto radios in the middle of
noweher and a weak radio would prejudice the auto owner when it came time for
his/her new car.
Search in Google Groups; this has been discussed quite a bit.
Gray Shockley
DX-392 DX-398
RX-320 DX-399
CCradio w/RS Loop
Torus Tuner (3-13 MHz)
Vicksburg, MS US