The book "Passport to Worldband Radio" lists Radio Radonezh, Samara in
Russia transmitting in russian from 17:00 to 20:00 UTC, roughly 9am PST to
Noon Pst.
It is very difficult to find a publication that is 1005 accurate since
stations are coming and going all the time like shoppers at a K-Mart sale
s. Many persons here have excellent references you may use to identify
(DX) a radio signal you hear.
The band space in shortwave frequencies are divided between international
broadcasts and utility broadcasts and amateur radio operators (hams) among
other things. You might hear Air Force aircraft, marine radio telephone
transmissions, weather data, weather fax transmissions, spies sending coded
messages (numbers stations) even strange signals generated by gargantuan
lightening discharges or solar flares. This is the right place to find
information about all those things and about equipment or times to listen.
HTH mm
"John Smith" wrote in message
I am not that long a shortwave listner. Can anyone tell me who the station
is on 6245?
With my receiver i got the sony wave handbook. Very handy book but its not
100% accurate i noticed.
According to the book there is nothing on 6245 but i am sure i hear a
commercial station there. Its a bit
waek so i can't hear whats going on exactly. Any tips appreciated.
Is there a online frequentie list where i can for example fill in a
frequentie and the site gives me station names?
If not where can i get a good list or good book ? I was in the bookstore
last week but didn't see a thing about
radio in the hobby section.