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Old September 2nd 03, 06:36 AM
David Eduardo
Posts: n/a

"Nobody You Know" wrote in message

So tell me, what's the difference between my relatives coming to America

the 19th century, and the people arriving on these shores today?

Easy. Your ancestors were White. They belonged to the same race that

and built this nation. They worked hard and didn't ask for handouts. They
easily assimilated into the White culture because they were White. And

came here LEGALLY. Do you think for one moment that your ancestors would

come here if this wasn't a White country?

In my case, my ancestors on my father's side were Irish. They were _not_
conisdered white at the time. They were well discrimated against. They were
treated like Hispanics are today. The Irish did not come to America for
whiteness. They came because of something far more compelling: the potatoe
famine. Starvation. Deprived of opportunity by the Brits who controlled the
Emerald Isle. The fled for thier lives.

The was no such thing as legal or illegal immigration. The door was open to
anyone. Immigration control is a thing of the 20th Centruy, not the 19th.

The parasitic vermin arriving on our shores today (or more likely hopping

border) are non-White, come here looking for free handouts, support

(muslims), and cannot assimilate into our White culture.

Let's see. I think you are wrong on all counts. first, most Hispanics are
either white or mestizo, a mix of white and native. Or of white and Black.
They are notn "non-white." the Census considers over 80% of Hispanics to be

Most immigrants are ineligible for handouts. that is the specialty of white

Hispanics are predominatly Catholic, and not particularly sympathetic to
terrorists. Latin America went through 30 years of terrorism starting in the
early 60's, and the people who emigrated are generally no friends of terror.

Most Hispanics are pretty well assimilated in the second generation, and
almost totally in the third. No different than any other immigrants, white,
Black or purple.

Instead, they try to
force THEIR ways on us. Many have openly boasted that they are here to

the White man and steal his riches. And many (most?) are here ILLEGALLY.

me, do you let anyone into your house who feel they have a right to be


There are 36 million legal Hispanics in the 50 states, and 4 million more in
Puerto Rico. Only 6 million illegals are here by comparison. Your figures
are wrong.

Since when is defending your nation and race from extinction called

you freaking moron! What the hell is wrong with you?

"Races" have been blending and mixing since humanity emerged. The only valid
race is the human race. So what if America is a tad more brown and a bit
less pale in 100 years. Still, there is no cure for rednecks.