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Old September 4th 03, 06:27 PM
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Default Old receiver - preselector/antenna tuner

Sounds like a great idea. A lot of people would love to have those
components !

"HankG" wrote in message
I have a WWII, tube-type, military receiver which stopped working some

back. The radio is built like a tank. It has a large variable cap with a
precise planetary drive (no bandspread). A resistor burned out and I
suspect it needs to be recappled also, which I'm not about to do.

My current radio is an RX-320 which far exceeds what the above radio was
capable of delivering (digital tuning, stable side-band, etc.). I'm using

antennas; a folded dipole inside my roof, and a 100+ foot longwire

on a fence).

The dipole seems to be less sensitive at the lower and upper ends of the

band, which is the area where I use the longwire. I was thinking about

possiblilty of using the variable cap/coils as a (non-amplified) antenna
tuner or pre-selector.

Anyone care to comment on this idea? Thanks.
