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Old September 6th 03, 03:05 PM
Dr Artaud
Posts: n/a
Default Enoon and Judaism Gray Shockley Larry Ozarow

Dr Artaud wrote:

If you are a male, where you circumcised by religious
requirement or by your parents desire for better sanitation?

Interested in my penis, are you?

Were you circumcised by religious requirement? Are you Jewish? If asking
the question of circumcision denotes that I have a penis fetish, it doesn't
say much for Rabbis, does it? (Jewish site on the Ritual of

antisemitism [from quoted text far below]

Anti-Semitism, the word Semitism should be capitalized.
The world's most overused term, the automatic disqualifier for American
political office, in a country where less than 5% of the population is
Jewish, interesting. Let's examine the word:

Main Entry: Semˇite
Pronunciation: 'se-"mIt, esp British 'sE-"mIt
Function: noun
Etymology: French sémite, from Semitic Shem, from Late Latin, from Greek
SEm, from Hebrew ShEm
Date: 1848
1 a : a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia
including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs b : a descendant
of these peoples
2 : a member of a modern people speaking a Semitic language

Notice that Semites include Arabs. Interesting, one would not believe this
to be the case by the way the term is commonly applied. Most of the people
in the U.S. have been taught that the word means Jewish, and that anyone
that issues even the slightest criticism of a Jew must therefore be a rabid
anti-Semite. Never mind that people are taught by the Jews to hate Arabs
(certainly not without foundation in Israel, but one has to wonder with all
the foreign aid that Israel gets if the Eminent Gray One [believe it or
not, this word is in my dictionary but not available at online
dictionaries, it denotes an individual or individuals that secretly control
things behind the scenes] actually wants an end to the strife),
paradoxically making these very same people anti-Semites.

"Jews have been disproportionately active in civil rights and liberties

Your credulity is showing. If you feel that the Founders intended Larry
Flint to be the poster boy for the 1st Amendment, you are indeed a sick
individual. Pornography the likes of Hustler magazine and worse would have
caused the possessor of such material to receive the death penalty in when
the Constitution was founded. Conversely, the American Legal system is
founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs. The government and court systems for
much of the existence of this country have abounded with religious
symbolism, I don't think that we need modern day Jews to protect us from
something that the founders never expected us to need protected from.

Your mind in mired in liberal thinking, as is the minds of some others in
this group. Very few people actually take the time to research their posts,
they just make comments about bestiality, penis fetishes, etc. It's
eminently easier to be juvenile and insubstantial and never serious address
the posts of others, just to post the same mundane drivel in response.

As your reply illustrates, the only reason people like you mention the
ACLU in connection with the movie is antisemitism, and has nothing to
do with the facts. Jews have been disproportionately active in civil
rights and civil
liberties issues probably for historical reasons, having been subject
to legal and extra-legal discrimination for most of European history.
It is not a plot to pollute your vital fluids, but just a desire to
protect the rights guaranteed in our constitution.

Gray Shockley why consume more bandwidth grousing about people consuming
bandwidth with non-shortwave related posts?
Plonk me, killfile the thread, get on with your life.

Larry Ozarow
How about some of those pro-bestiality flicks that Artaud
has been watching on Sundance?

What's the matter Larry, did your mother fail to read the rest of the post
to you? Keep on plugging, in another 15 or so years, you might make manager
of the McDonalds where you work.

Dr. Artaud