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Old September 6th 03, 06:11 PM
Larry Ozarow
Posts: n/a

Dr Artaud wrote:

Larry Ozarow

How about some of those pro-bestiality flicks that Artaud
has been watching on Sundance?

What's the matter Larry, did your mother fail to read the rest of the post
to you? Keep on plugging, in another 15 or so years, you might make manager
of the McDonalds where you work.

Dr. Artaud

I read the post, and by the way if you'd like to compare educational
level or income I'd be happy to. My doctorate is real, not self-conferred.

In my post I was referring offhandedly to your hysterical bashing of the
mass culture. If you don't like pornography or violence (or nature shows
- that's what I hate), don't watch it, I don't. If television is your
preferred form of entertainment, there's plenty of stuff on it that is
not pornographic or pro-gay or anti-Christian. That junk is not a plot,
it is just pursuit of income - that's what people like and pay to see.
I'm not saying I'm in favor of most of it, just that it's not something
imposed on us by a Jewish plot, it is just what we as a country want to
see. In European countries and Canada, which are for the most part far
LESS religious than the US, there is also far less obsession with sex
and violence. By the way, 15 years ago or so, when Martin Scorcese,
who is a believing Catholic, made "The Last Temptation of Christ," it
was subject to bomb threats, boycotts and censorship (Blockbuster
wouldn't carry it). I don't think the Jews were behind that - groups
will organize and protest, and in the case of "The Last Temptation," can
even threaten or commit violence when they think they are being attacked.

Interestingly, apropos your obsession with the evil Jews, Michael
Medved, who carried on a long, somewhat tiresome, and of course
unsuccessful crusade against sex in movies a number of years ago, has
been interviewed strongly condemning the outcry against the Mel Gibson
movie. Medved has been very active in the Jewish community.

Good Shabbos.