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  #6   Report Post  
Old September 7th 03, 07:58 AM
Posts: n/a


Based on what you said about the Terminated Folded Dipole (TFD)
Antenna and noting the fact that it is set-up on a Roof in an Inverted
"V" shape.

Then for this TFD Antenna on a questionable Roof surface: A 'good'
Ground Point on the Roof may be required to be able to place Ground
Radials (counterpoise) 'under' the Antenna on the 'surface' of the
Roof to get the most out of any antenna up there on the Roof.

iane ~ RHF
= = = BDK
= = = wrote in message ...

From the couple of TFD's I have listened on, the TFD's were always
superior side by side with big random wires, slopers, normal dipoles.
Not in signal strenth, but in how quiet they were. Really weak SSB, such
as fishing boats were totally readable on the TFD, but not on any of the
other antennas, there was a lot of noise mixed in, and you could only
copy about half what they were saying even though the S-Meter was
reading another S unit higher.

The Balun is pretty critical.