Clifton is correct................I have used some of that Radio Shack
cleaner, and destroyed controls with it. Plan on spending at least 10 to 12
dollars for a can of De-Oxit. I use Pro-Gold...............that is about 18
dollars a can, but it would be overkill in your case. If you take it to a
repair shop, plan on spending around 40 dollars to have the cleaning done.
Clifton T. Sharp Jr. wrote in message
Surfer wrote:
I have a Kenwood R-600 that sometimes goes a month or more
wihtout use and has a volume control and band switch that has
become too scratchy and tempermental to use. I have to wiggle
both back and forth to get a usable connection. Taking the
knob off of the front panel I see no place to inject tuner
cleaner unless it could be forced through the front bushing.
If possible I'd really like to avoid disassembling the radio
just to find a place to inject the cleaner. Anyone have
experience with this problem and a solution?
Yes. Break down and disassemble the radio. You might get some through the
bushings, but you'll be lucky if you don't have to do it again weekly.
If you're worried about getting it back together again, take it to a TV
repair shop.
Second question, I hate to pay $6 to Radio Shack for tuner
cleaner that would be used 15 seconds total. Is there an
Spend a little more and locate a can of DeoxIT D5 spray. Works better and
less likely to mar plastic.
"Here, Outlook Express, run this program." "Okay, stranger."