Desktop Radio Dilemma
I tend to avoid these comparison posts, but I could use some feedback from
those who have "been there." I'm wading into this pool of radios - Icom R75,
Palstar R30, and Sat 800. I have never used or listened to the Icom or
Palstar. I have tried the Grundig, and had numerous QC problems with it. I
liked the potential of the radio, but just couldn't find a good sample. I
suspect I was getting recycled rejects from the limited Radio Shack stock in
my neck of the woods. I am mostly a program listener/casual DXer, so good
audio for AM broadcasts is a plus. The Grundig seemed good in this respect.
I have heard that the Palstar radio is also very good in this respect, and
apparently is well constructed. However, recent searches suggest QC problems
with this model as well. I would like to give this model a try, but I am in
Canada, and it's tougher just to ship things back and forth for an
experiment. Can anyone comment on these supposed "problems" with the
Palstar? Lastly, there is the R75 at $450. Seems like a lot of radio for the
money, but I am put off by the comments I've seen about it's lousy
performance for AM listening. Is the audio really that bad? Please help to
clarify some of these confusing reports.