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Old September 11th 03, 03:21 PM
Dr. Artaud
Posts: n/a

Perhaps you can use one of those wonderful AC to DC adapters supplied by
Sony itself.

"Unfortunately we have to give the SONY AC-E60HG AC adapter a poor grade.
As we discovered with a number of other portable radios, the adapter is
apparently a switching supply that either induces noise into the receiver
or lets noise from the house wiring pass through to the receiver. The end
effect is that weaker signals are masked — until the cord is unplugged
and moved away from the radio. This effect is mostly noticed during the
day when there are less SW stations, with weaker signals, to listen to.

No matter who is the manufacturer, we wish such adapters would have power
line filters included within the unit.

In our situation with the very local 640 kHz MW station, attaching the
adapter also brought in the second harmonic on 1280 kHz. We also checked
for the third harmonic on 1920 kHz; that was not heard. Reverting to the
batteries, the harmonic disappeared. We can only assume the unshielded
house wiring acts an antenna. Your mileage may vary.

For extended listening we still recommend getting an adapter or a DC plug
to run the radio off a regulated power supply. If the reception of a
station is questionable, just remember to unplug the adapter before
giving up trying to listen to the program."


"Universal Radio also reports that Sony of America has changed the
optional 120V AC adaptor for the ICF-7600GR compact portable. Formerly
the AC-E60HG, now discontinued, it is now the AC-E60A. The new adaptor is
more compact, but there is one problem: On its side, it reads, "NOT FOR
USE WITH RADIOS." According to Universal, there is good reason for this
caution, as the new adaptor causes buzzing that disrupts radio reception.
To resolve this, Universal now offers the $19.95 MW 41-680 regulated 120V
AC adaptor made especially for the 'SW7600GR."

And you think that Radio Shack has problems.

Dr. Artaud

(Charlie ) wrote in

I have recently obtained a SONY ICF-2010 and am
looking for an AC Adapter that is correct for this
radio. The local Radio shacks have no Idea and suggest a universal
Can anyone provide me with a link to where I could purchase one?
I understand it is 4.5v 700 ma.
