I don't know whether I've got the know-how or the time to design a homebrew
VHF yagi for the marine band.
So, is anyone out there interested in providing a service to all marine band
DXers/eavesdroppers of designing and producing *full constructional notes*
on a range of marine antennas, and then putting the designs up on a website.
All antennas shall principally be for reception.
All antennas should be described as covering 156-162Mhz.
As far as the yagis are concerned, they should range from 2 to 6 elements.
All yagis shall have 4mm (or 3/16") diameter parasitic elements.
All parasitic elements shall be secured to boom by nylon rivets as per
G3SEK's notes at:
All booms shall consist of either 20mm or 15mm square tubing.
The DE for all yagis shall be 8mm (or 5/16").
The DE for all yagis shall be a regular hertz dipole.
There shall be some kind of balun.
Please, please!
Just out of curiousity, why can't these be purchased already from commercial
sources? Note: I am not in the 'lawn furniture in the sky' business.
Chip N1IR